Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Sat: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday & Holidays: Emergency Only 8634 126 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5B 1G9

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    Let's get in touch

    Certified mechanics available to repair and maintain your vehicle

    Regular Maintenance Results
    in a Reliable Car, Truck and SUV.


    A Reputation 27 Years in the Making

    At ClesmAuto, we offer services including computer diagnostics, automotive repair, tires, brakes, suspension, tune ups, and routine maintenance.

    We are certified automotive mechanics, including Certified Red Sealed mechanics, with great respect for your vehicle, and we want to create the best automotive repair experience when servicing your vehicles or answering your questions about your car, suv or truck. From tire repairs to complete engine repairs and engine swaps, here at ClemsAuto we can do it all. We work on all types and brand of cars, trucks and SUVs including imports and domestic.

    You can trust the mechanics at ClemsAuto with all your vehicle needs and know that your vehicle is in good hands.

    Contact Us - Clems Auto

    Maintenance Services

    Keep your engine running

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    Get the right tire for the right

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